Third time's a charm, right? Eh...almost. As many times as we've attempted getting the perfect dough, we just don't know the right combination. Our magic touch ain't so magic either.
Our aunt starts off the early morning by mixing the ingredients in her kitchenaid mixer (I bet this wasn't part of grandma's recipe back in the day). We knead the dough a little more by hand, trying to get it to the right consistency. Our hands and plates are powdered, and if the timing is right, our Starbucks delivery arrives (note: the timing is most often OFF T__T).

Somewhat of a combination of the previous two taytay adventures, we use both types of filling, in similar shapes, but two different types of dough. We start the morning making the clear triangular-shaped taytays, filled with: mushroom, scallion, pork, water chestnut, & chinese sausage (lap cheung). While these are steaming, we start on the more difficult dough - it's always too sticky, too stretchy, or too thick, and always uncooperative. They're the same triangular shape, but filled with ground nuts + sugar (these used to be E's favorite until she started making them -.-;;).

I have a feeling we're due for another taytay-making adventure SOON. Anyone wanna join us?
Ça Va
Related Posts: Weekend #23. Weekend #24. Weekend #25.
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