

Hello Yummy Friends.

Since we actually have followers, we feel obliged to send out a little note of apology for our hiatus:


Two posts in the past two months is a little sad [Sorry. but...at least there's two?!. ]We still have our autumn header up, and it's definitely winter (hello, tons-o-snow!) [Really sorry. but...it's cute, isn't it?!]. We're even late with our New Year's greetings [Really really sorry. but...it's still the new year.].

Offline life has been mentally and physically exhausting, and while we shouldn't use that as an excuse for neglecting our blog...well, we will. But don't worry! We haven't neglected our appetites, and surely enough, we've kept up with eating. And since people tend to make resolutions during this time of year, we'll pretend we made one to be more diligent about our blogging (ahem. resolutions are made to be broken. justsaying.). But don't expect our resolution to go into effect until February (by which time, we hope you'll have forgotten).

Anyway, here's to more posts in 2011 than 2010!! Have a great year everyone!!

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