See that vanilla buttercream-frosted, banana bread cupcake on top? Classic yumminess with a slight twist - ingenious! See that shine in the top right corner? Yeeeeah, that's honey glistening on top of the creamy BIG RED (aka cinnamon, for those of you who aren't familiar - you should be ashamed of yourselves!) frosting cupcake. See that stuff on the bottom right that looks like popcorn on top of a burnt caramel-frosted, chocolate cupcake? That's
exactly what it is (what a notion!?). And see those mini-marshmallows on the left atop a peanut butter cream, banana bread cupcake? That right there is the most delicious thing ever.
For this post, we must thank L (THANK YOU L!) for donating a dozen cupcakes C's way, who in turn donated these 4 yummy cupcakes our way (THANK YOU C!). And we must thank C again (THANK YOU C!) for allowing us to enjoy these cakes in the comfort of our own home, on our most comfy couch. Everyone else will have to enjoy their's here:Butter Lane123 E 7th Street
or if they're lucky, on their own couch :)
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