We love hot chocolate. No. We
luuuuuuurve hot chocolate. So, to become A Memorable Hot Chocolate on our
List, that is an accomplishment worthy of a GOLD MEDAL indeed. I'm not sure if it's the rich consistency, the balance of bitter and sweetness, the desserts that go
O' So Swell beside it, the cozy comfort as you sip, or just the fact that the waitress remembers my patronage from more than a year ago. But, ORO is one place recommended to all with no reservations. That's right.
Straight Up.

The Top Three Late-Night Go-To Confections after a long, cold walk from the LES in NYC:
1. Hot Chocolate
2. Madeleines, &
3. Tomato soup
ORO does them all. And, does them
ORO Bakery & Bar375 Broome Street
b/t Mulberry & Mott
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